Yesterday, the hubs and I traveled down to Birmingham to see The Civil Wars play to a packed out {and sold out} crowd. It was amazing, as always, and I couldn't be prouder of my sis-in-law... and maybe a bit jealous of her singing abilities. :) We finally made it home after 2 am and I decided to take the day off and enjoy doing absolutely nothing. I've been catching up on the blog world, online shopping {or at least looking}, flipping through magazines and redecorating the house. I love days like this - it's been fabulous. Work can always wait, right?
Happy Monday to you!
[image via weheartit]
a "nothing day" day is a day well spent! especially when you work work work those days are crucial. : D
Sounds like a fun day. :) Love the photo! I would love to lay in a hammock.
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