Lots going on and a busy week ahead of me. Good things... just feeling a bit tired and overwhelmed. Trying to take deep breaths and take care of one thing at a time [which we all know I'm not so great at]. Enjoy your day - I'll be back tomorrow with a little giveaway! Yay!
[photo via we heart it]
i am always getting overwhelmed thinking of everything i have to do at once, instead of taking it one thing at a time. it's a hard thing to learn! good luck getting everything done!
and thank your for the link to the DIY shoes with bows, i can't wait to try it!
sending peaceful/happy thoughts your way pretty way lady! xo
oh man, do i ever know how you feel, elise!!! overwhelmed has been my first, middle, and last name lately. i think the wedding wants to kill me. try breaking things down into small five minute segments and switching to a new task after time's up. that helps me with cleaning the house sometimes. good luck!!
Man O man, am I right there with ya :( Sometimes it seems impossible to get it all done eh!?*** Chin up!
oh boy i here ya on the overwhelmed part. and the stressed part. haha, but here's to (attempting) to take one thing at a time! : )
i hope amidst the stress, you find amazing peace. xo <3
Thanks so for the encouragement!! Means so much to me. I'm already feeling much better today. Homemade chocolate chip cookies, my hubs and a nice long bath did the trick. :)
I hope you were able to have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. :)
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